Looking for Job?
Register with us, we will help you get your dream job
Begin your job search by registering with Banqobi Consulting. We have over forty years of experience placing professional candidates in positions most suited to their skills and vision for a meaningful career.
To register on the Quest Job Portal you will need to fill in all your details, we don’t accept C.V. document uploads, so set aside at least 30 minutes to complete the full registration process.
Once you have all your information ready and you have set aside the time to complete your application process Click the ‘Register Your Profile’ button below.
Fill in all possible information as completely as possible. Make sure you clearly define your qualifications, important achievements and skills so our consultants can more easily match you with an appropriate position.
An email will be sent to you, asking you to verify your account, make sure you click on the confirmation link to ensure that your profile becomes active.
Once your profile has been activated you can then search the Quest Job Portal. If you see a job that you are interested in you can login and click on the job to find out more about the details of the position.
If the job appeals to you and you have the relevant skills, click ‘ENV. Apply’ to put yourself forward for the position.
Once you have verified your profile on the Quest Job Portal we will see if we can match you with an appropriate job, only once we have found a match will we call you. If you have applied for a job you have seen on the Quest Job Portal a consultant will only call you if your profile and credentials are an exact match.
With all our years of experience as a recruitment agency we’ve gained a lot of insight into what works to get candidates the position they want. We have made this information freely available to you to help improve your chance of finding employment and building a career.