Most companies know they need the right people in the right seats, but few know how to do it. We take care of ‘how’ for you.
Banqobi Consulting seeks to understand what makes a company unique. Our Method clearly defines outcomes and deliverables for a role as it fits into the greater goals of the organization.
Employee Value Proposition (EVP)
A holistic understanding of the way your employees work together to produce results. We dig deep to understand why people want to work for you. A strong EVP is what attracts top talent to new opportunities.
Pitching the opportunity- We don’t just make your company stand out from the competition; we package and sell the chance to work for your organization.
We leverage our professional and referral network to seek out ‘best-in-class’ talent to fill your needs. Filling talent pipelines is our passion- we love to meet new and exciting people.
Our method constitutes a set of career facets. Skill alone does not guarantee performance. We identify the people with the will to produce results, passion and goals in line with your vision. Then we make sure they fit into your company culture.
First, we identify the best match for your company from our talent network. Then we align shortlisted candidates with the company culture and the expectations for the role using our method. The result is extraordinary.
Our job isn’t done until your newly appointed employee’s first day at work. From flights, accommodation, assessments right through to medicals we’re with you every step of the way.